Owner: Fourth Industrial, LLC
Contract Amount: $2.5 Mill
The project involved the design/build of a new two-story office
warehouse building (+/- 19,550 sq. ft.) and associated site work. The pre-engineer metal building reflects an Mid-Century Modern architectural style with a covered balcony, bold colors, large windows, custom-made perforated metal sign, and a mixture of industrial textures and materials; The lobby, a two-story space with monumental staircase leading to a balcony.
Site work includes the following:
building, sidewalks, landscape and retention buffers, driveway, parking, outdoor storage, dumpster enclosure, drainage, water and sewer connections, and site lighting.
The design demonstrates creativity addressing neighborhood compatibility, street frontage, quality design / architecture, and quality materials in construction. The project remains sensitive to the public by screening utilitarian aspects from public view, respecting the scale of the neighborhood and surrounding properties.
Features: Office/ Warehouse, 2-Story, 19,550 SF
Pre-Engineer Metal Building
Mid-Century Modern Architecture
East & West Overhangs
Outdoor storage, Fuel tanks Island
Connection to Generator
Lot area of 1.9 Acres
25ft clear height warehouse
Services Provided: Design-Build