Owner: Martha A. Morgan
Contract Amount: 270k
The project involved the development of a one-story office
warehouse building constructed of masonry walls and a low sloped roof. Site development includes the following: building, sidewalks, landscape and retention buffers, driveway, parking, outdoor storage, dumpster enclosure, drainage, and site lighting. The design creatively addresses neighborhood compatibility, street frontage, pedestrian activity, quality design / architecture, and quality materials in construction. The placement of the building creates a frontage along S H Street, thereby creating an edge to the road which is in line with the Lake Worth future development master plan. Architectural elements, such as the mid-band and parapet extensions framing the upper portion of the facade, provide an impressionable effect to the standard warehouse type. The project remains sensitive to the public by screening utilitarian aspects from public view and respecting the scale of the neighborhood and surrounding properties.
Features: Office/ Warehouse with attic
2,150 square feet
Outdoor storage
Mid-Century Modern Architecture
Pervious Pavers
Services Provided: Design-Build